Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fake Apple Store

CAM: After reading the story about the fake Apple stores in China, my co-worker joked about buying a support contract through them. So I came up with this.

ANDREW: *calls Fake Apple Store*

EMPLOYEE: Herrow, Panda Express. Take order prease!

ANDREW: Hi, is this the Apple Store?

EMPLOYEE: Oh, one moment. *pause* Herrow, Apple Store, take order prease.

ANDREW: Um... hi, we’re looking to renew our support contract with you guys.

EMPLOYEE: Uh huh...

ANDREW: Because our Mac Pros... you know, what was with the Panda Express thing?

EMPLOYEE: No, this no Panda Express. This Apple Store. Take order PREASE!

ANDREW: This doesn’t seem legit.


ANDREW: I just want to renew our support contract.

EMPLOYEE: You want two item or three item... ack, no, I mean. Apple Support, yes. We have lots of that one.

ANDREW: Oh, great. Okay, we have 14 Macs that we’ll need contracts for.

EMPLOYEE: Uh huh...

ANDREW: Three running ProTools, and the rest have Final Cut Pro.

EMPLOYEE: Okay. You want fried rice or chow mein... ack, no! Finar Cut!

ANDREW: Forget it. I'm going to call the Apple Store in Mongolia.

EMPLOYEE: Wait, wait... you forget fortune cookie!

ANDREW: Yeah, I’m hanging up now. *hangs up*

EMPLOYEE: Gosh darn Mongolians, always making me roose my business!

CAM: Obviously I was inspired by South Park... a little.