Sunday, December 04, 2005

Weird Dream (a D/S example)

Disclaimer: People have been asking me what exactly I will be writing. Well, I didn't want to release any of my current ideas so I thought that it would work out to write a sample. This sample will be based off of a dream I had last night. Usually, these stories will be funny and interesting. Unfortunately, my dream was neither of these, but like I said, it is just to show you the D/S (Dialogue/Script) format and what not. My dreams can be quite realistic. Never have I had a dream in which so many of my real-life friends have shown up.

Some Dark Bedroom

CAM: *falls asleep*

Some German Street

CAM: *stands on the street*

STEVE: Hey Cam, we better get going.

CAM: Yeah.

BRIAN: Hey Cam. Who is this?

CAM: Oh, this is my friend Steve.

STEVE: Hello.

BRIAN: *gives Steve a mean look*

CAM: What's wrong Brian?

BRIAN: I thought I was your friend?

CAM: You are! But Steve is too!

JASON: I thought I was your friend!?

CAM: You are too Jason!

ANDREW: What about me!?

CAM: You too!

BETHANY: I'm your wife, so I should be your only friend!


Cam runs away.

Some Dark Alley

TRASH CAN: *falls over*

CAM: This can't be good.

NATISHA: Hey there, wanna party?

CAM: Are you coming onto me?

NATISHA: Yeah, so what?

CAM: I'm married! Wait, and you're married!

NATISHA: There's nothing wrong with that.




CAM: No!

Cam fights through all of the girls.

Some House

CAM: *slams door*

CAM'S MOM: What are you doing home so late!? Your dad is going to be mad!

CAM'S DAD: I'm mad!


CAM'S CAT: You're not going anywhere this time buddy!

CAM: *runs from cat*

CAM'S CAT: *chases*

Some Grassy Field

CAM: *runs*

CAM'S CAT: *chases*

Amazon Rainforest

CAM: *runs*

CAM'S CAT: *chases*

JOEL: *shoots cat dead*

CAM: Nooooooooo! Why did you kill my cat!?!?

JOEL: Dude, it was chasing you.

CAM: So! My poor kitty! Where are we?

JOEL: Where we've been all along.

CAM: ...

JOEL: Home.

A curtain of tree branches spread and Cam finds all of his old high school classmates walking around in the trees.

CAM: This isn't home.

NATISHA: You came!


Some Dark Bedroom

CAM: *wakes up and looks over at wife*

BETHANY: *sleeps*

CAM: Srsly, no more cupcakes before bed!


1 comment:

Nick said...

Hillarious...can't wait for more!